Permission Options

Last updated on: 3/30/2019

These value are optional and are only available to use if you are using SpongeAPI and a plugin to handle internal permissiosn such as LuckyPerms.  All internal permissions checks will return TRUE in the event of no permissions system found.

Item / Function
Permission Node Description
Full Admin
sgcraft.admin Allows full permissiosn to all functionality as well as internal overrides to Player and Gate Access control systems.
* Note, this doesn't override the access check for the DHD Fuel screen at the moment....
GDO sgcraft.gui.gdo Allows users to open and use the GDO device.  This permission does not override Player Access control values.
PDD sgcraft.gui.pdd Allows users to open and use the PDD (Personal Dialer Device). 

sgcraft.gui.configurator Allows users to open and use the Configurator device.  Individual permissions are required to change values.
sgcraft.configurator.closeFromEitherEnd Whether a stargate connection can be closed from either end, or only from the initiating end.
sgcraft.configurator.oneWayTravel Whether a wormhole can be traversed in both directions, or only from the initiating side.
sgcraft.configurator.secondsToStayOpen Number of seconds a connection stays open before closing automatically. Setting this to 0 will cause the gate to stay open until energy runs out.
sgcraft.configurator.gateOpeningsPerFuelItem Maximum number of times a gate can be opened using the fuel from one piece of naquadah. Will be less for long-distance and cross-dimension connections.
sgcraft.configurator.distanceFactorMultiplier A coefficient governing the dependence of energy use on distance.
sgcraft.configurator.interDimensionalMultiplier All energy use is multiplied by this factor when connecting between dimensions.
sgcraft.configurator.energyPerFuelItem Number of stargate energy units (SEU) obtained from one piece of naquadah.
sgcraft.configurator.maxEnergyBuffer Capacity of stargate internal energy buffer in SEU.
sgcraft.configurator.transparency If true, the event horizon is rendered with partial transparency.
sgcraft.configurator.reverseWormholeKills Kills the player in the event they attempt to reverse travel through a one-way wormhole
sgcraft.configurator.gateType Type 1: MilkyWay design, Type 2: Pegasus design
sgcraft.configurator.chevronsLockOnDial Determines whether chevrons lock when dialed vs. showing the ring rotation sequence.
sgcraft.configurator.returnToPreviousIrisState Returns Iris to the state that it was prior to the connection of a wormhole.  (Think auto-close iris after wormhole closes)
sgcraft.configurator.ringRotationSpeed Sets the ring rotation speed when dialing.
sgcraft.configurator.hasIrisUpgrade Sets if new Stargates automatically have the iris upgrade.
sgcraft.configurator.hasChevronUpgrade Sets if new Stargates automatically have the chevron upgrade.
sgcraft.configurator.transientDamage Sets if when the Stargate opens does the unstable vortex damage the player / entity.
sgcraft.configurator.preserveInventory If true, prevents the items in a player's inventory from being destroyed when the player is killed by an iris. The items will still be dropped, however, and armour being worn will take damage from the impact.
sgcraft.configurator.allowIncomingConnections Ability to change the "Default Allow Incoming" wormholes value
sgcraft.configurator.allowOutgoingConnections Ability to change the "Default Allow Outgoing" value.
sgcraft.configurator.noPowerRequired Ability to change the No Power Required" value
sgcraft.configurator.transparency Ability to change the transparency value of the event horizon.
sgcraft.configurator.orientation Ability to change face up or face down rendering of horizontal gates.
sgcraft.configurator.gateAccessMenuAbility to click on Gate Access List button  [added in version 2.0.4]
sgcraft.configuration.playerAccessMenuAbility to click on Player Access List button  [added in version 2.0.4]